Python data analysis with neovim and containers


Despite my previous article discussing python development with nix shell, the truth is that nix-based tools are not commonly available at high-performance computing (HPC) center. The most common way of ensuring the desired software stack is available for HPC is typically the use of containers (either docker, or more commonly apptainer/singularity). The problem then comes in how can one ensure the apparent program environment of your editor matches that in the container, especially as editors are large pieces of binary with many dependencies.

One solution would be to extend the container image to contain ones favorite editor, this can be extremely disk-space intensive, especially when the container images are continuously updated, as you will effectively be creating a new editor binary every time your image changes. Another solution would be to create some virtual environment that perfectly mirrors the image. This again is potentially disk-space intensive, especially if your container image contains large library blobs like for machine learning. Is there a way to have the best of both worlds, where your editor uses your custom-defined, most-up-to-date package version, while having the editor understand the programming environment specific to the container?

For the following discussion, I’m going to assume that we are working with containers for Python-based development. Meaning that you will have the flexibility to install custom python packages with the use of python’s venv module, but the solutions will not require installing any non-python packages or modify the python version.

LSP as servers (which may not always work)

Since the editor understands your programming environment through the language server protocol, there is actually no rule saying that the LSP needs to be running in the same environment as the editor. While most LSP works by having information being passed into and out of the standard streams, some LSP does support network based streaming.

For example, you can fire up your container, and start the python language server like:

Starting pylsp using TCP [bash]
pylsp --tcp --port=8600 # Or change to whichever port is free

Then, in the editor configuration, you only need to change how the LSP is initialized by your editor. In neovim with the lspconfig, this is as simple as setting up pylsp with a custom cmd:

Configuration for pylsp over TCP [lua]
	cmd = vim.lsp.rpc.connect("localhost", 8600),

This post actually details more information, in case your LSP of interest does not support TCP streams out of the box, common unix tools allows to seamless route standard streams to a target network port.

Starting pylsp using socat routing [bash]
socat TCP-LISTEN:8600,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:"pyslp"

The problem with this solution is two-fold. First, is that now the initialization of the LSP is now separate from the editor; whereas previously the LSP is automatically started when editing a certain file type, now we need to explicitly run an external command. Second is that while stream routing tools are common, they are not necessarily included in your container image of interest. Is there a way to better solve this problem?

Complex LSP startup command

The solution actually lies in the configuration of the editor previously, it turns out that you can start LSPs with arbitrarily complicated commands, including starting up a docker/singularity instance! If you are already using docker, you can check out this plugin here; but for the sake of completeness, you can actually define these commands yourself! Using singularity as an example, you can add to your configuration file something like:

configuration for starting pylsp in a docker container image [lua]
local project_dir = "your/project/path"
local image_dir = "your/image/dir"

	cmd = {
		-- Binding your project directory
		project_dir .. ":/srv",
		-- Specifying your image
		-- Executing the LSP in question.

If your LSP not directly accessible in your container image, you can also have arbitrarily complicated startup sequences, provided that nothing is printed into the standard streams by providing the executing script used to start the LSP: [bash]

# This will execute within the singularty session
source /srv/myenv/bin/activate # Activate some virtual environment
export MY_ENV="MY_VALUE" # Additional settings you want to have visible to the LSP
/srv/myenv/bin/pylsp --option # Activating the LSP with some additional options.

Then in your configuration lua file, you can swap out the final "/bin/bash", "-c", "pylsp" entries with the new "/bin/bash/", "-c", "./". If you are using formatters handlers such as conform, you can also do something similar, except that all commands other than singularity needs to be passed as the args method:

configuration for conform [lua]
requires("conform").formatters.sing_ruff_format = {
	command = "singularity",
	args = {
		-- Directory binding information
		project_dir .. ":/srv",
		-- Executing
		"/srv/myenv/bin/ruff format --force-exclude --stdin-filename $FILENAME -",
	stdin = true,

Notice that in this case the full formatting command with various arguments needs to be passed as a single string to singularity/bash.

If you are using molten to have in-editor interactions with the python kernels, a similar trick can by installing a custom kernel launching process defined in you user kernel definitions (solution adapted from this answer)

~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/jetenv/kernel.json [json]
  "argv": [
    "/srv/myenv/bin/python -Xfrozen_modules=off -m ipykernel_launcher -f /srv/.jupyter/connection-spec"
  "display_name": "jetenv",
  "language": "python"

This will allow you to use molten to see this new kernel that is created through a singularity command.

Note: one danger with this method is that it must be executed without the -p flag (compare with the other methods in this article). This may start the host system of available process namespace, and may be against the terms-and-services of your HPC machine.

Note 2: If you are using this in combination with a nix-shell this may not work. Still not work entirely sure why this is the case just yet.

Project specific configurations

Now, since containers are likely to be project specific, you would likely not want to have these LSP/formatter settings be your global editor settings. But rather only be used if you are opening a file in the project directory. If you don’t want to have a full project manager style plugin, you can make a very simple file in the ~/.config/nvim/after/plugin directory that contains something like:

project.lua [lua]
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("VimEnter", {
	pattern = { "*" },
	callback = function()
		local config_name = "init.lua"
		local project_config = vim.fs.root(0, vim.fs.joinpath(".nvim", config_name))
		if project_config ~= nil then
			project_config = vim.fs.joinpath(project_config, config_name)
			vim.cmd("source " .. project_config)

With this very simply snippet, it will attempt to check if the parent directory structures contain a .nvim directory, and if it does, load the file .nvim/init.lua file into the neovim configuration. Since this is loaded after all configuration listed in the global neovim configuration, any configurations listed here will overwrite the global settings!