Introduction to CMSSW Part I - The compiling environment and Hello world


Let’s begin with the simplest of examples for any programming language, how to write a hello world program. The example files used in this page could be found here, and extract the file to the CMSSW_X_X_X/src directory with the command:

tar -zxvf HelloWorld.tar.gz

Remember each time you enter this directory, you should load the CMSSW environment with the command


If you wish to follow the build the sample up yourself, I will also be listing the directory structure used below

Writing a main function and a first look at BuildFiles

Writing a working version

Writing a main function is simple, but you will need to structure your file in the specific structure to properly expose the file containing the main function to the CMSSW compiling environment. For the simplest example of just one file containing a main function, you will need to construct the following structure below the CMSSW_X_X_X/src directory:

└── <HelloWorld>
    └── <Example1>
        └── bin
            ├── BuildFile.xml
            └── <main>.cc

where all the files and directory could be named whatever you want with a few exceptions:

  • Your <main>.cc file must end with a valid C++ extension: .cc, .cpp, .cxx and such.
  • The BuildFile.xml must be named exactly as indicated.

Write your however you like, and add in the BuildFile.xml the file below.

<bin name="HelloWorld" file=""/>

Be careful to change the entry after file to be whatever you have called your C++ file. Now you can call the CMSSW compile command in any working directory above HelloWorld/Example1.

scram b

After the command has finished (and no compile errors are produced), you should now have a new command available, type HelloWorld (or whatever you have added in the name entry in the BuildFile.xml) into your command line and see the result of your main file!

[user@machine Example1] HelloWorld
Hello World!

Simple explanation of The BuildeFile.xml

The BuildFile.xml replaces the makefile file to tell the compiler what to compile; in our case, the contents for our file BuidlFile.xml is rather simple, you could read as:

  • Request to build a binary file to be called HelloWorld using the main function found in the C++ file

The binary file that is created would be stored under the CMSSW_X_X_X/bin/. The first thing that you could try out is that you could write multiple main function files in the Example1/bin directory provided that the final executable are named differently! Just remember for each new .cc you write to add an entry in the BuildFile.xml.

It is also worth noting that xml is fully named the extensible markup language, which is used for storing information in a document in a specific way so that should be both human- and machine-readable. Though commonly seen in web application (alongside his famous cousin HTML), the usage of xml files are not limit to such applications only.

Writing a main function is only the first step. If you are the kind of guy that writes analysis code in a single file consisting of a few thousand lines of code, then I can guarantee you that after three weeks without looking at it, the code would become unintelligible, even by the writer. How you write you own libraries and split subroutines into multiple files is on big step for making you code readable. This ties in with the next part we will be looking at, about directories other than bin and how to write their corresponding BuildFile.xml

The CMSSW BuildFile structure

Here we take a look at a more complicated structure. One what that might commonly occur:

  • We want to create a library ExampleLib containing the complete implementation of a class and relate function.
  • We want some additional wrapper function to help interface the classes to the main function
  • The main function to actually execute the code.

The structure we would want to create would be something like this:

└── HelloWorld
    ├── Example2
    │   ├── bin
    │   │   ├── BuildFile.xml
    │   │   └──
    │   ├── interface
    │   │   └── funclib.hpp
    │   └── src
    │       ├── BuildFile.xml
    │       └──
    └── ExampleLib
        ├── interface
        │   └── MyClass.hpp
        └── src
            ├── BuildFile.xml

Exposing a library and understanding the include path

Inside the directory HelloWorld/ExampleLib is a class declaration and implementation

Some example code of sharinf functions [cpp]
// in MyClass.hpp
#include <string>
class MyClass {
   MyClass( const std::string& );
   virtual ~MyClass ();
   void Say( const std::string& );
   const std::string _name;

// in
#include "HelloWorld/ExampleLib/interface/MyClass.hpp"
MyClass::MyClass( const std::string& x ) : _name(x) {}

// in
#include "HelloWorld/ExampleLib/interface/MyClass.hpp"
#include <iostream>
void MyClass::Say( const std::string& x ){
   std::cout << this->_name << " says: " << x << std::endl ;

Looking at how the various .cc file include the common header, you can see that the CMSSW compile environment adds a new include path in the compilation flags, which is the CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src directory! To tell the compiler that the contents of this folder is meant for a shared library, you must include this line in the BuildFile.xml file:

<export><lib name="1" /></export>

Again the meaning of this file is meant to be human-readable:

Export every c++ file in the HelloWorld/ExampleLib/src directory as a single shared object file, with the library name left automatic (1).

You can see this in action by checking the content in CMSSWW_X_Y_Z/lib directory.

All this instruction is well, but a shared library isn’t much use without an executable file.

Using shared libraries.

We first use an example of a library using another library. In the directory HelloWorld/Example2, we could see in the interface/funclib.hpp and src/ file that this library provides one function, which depends on the example just given:

#include "HelloWorld/ExampleLib/interface/MyClass.hpp"
#include <iostream>
int myfunction()
   static MyClass myinst("hello"); myinst.Say("World");
   std::cout <<  "Hello World from my function!" << std::endl;
   return 0;

Again, note how the external header file is included. Now for the building of this library we need to link it with the functions found in HelloWorld/ExampleLib, so the BuildFile.xml in HelloWorld/Example2/src need to have one more line:

<use name="HelloWorld/ExampleLib" /> <export><lib name="1" /></export>

The second line is already exampled with the HelloWorld/ExampleLib build file. The first line list the dependency of this library. Notice to list a library withing CMSSW as a dependency, you just need to use the use tag, with the name field being the directory of the dependency from within the CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src directory!

Finally, for the BuildFile.xml in the bin directory, where the main function file requires the use of both of these external libraries, the BuildFile.xml there would read something like:

<use name="HelloWorld/ExampleLib" />
<use name="HelloWorld/Example2" />
<bin name="HelloWorld2" file="" />

Go and give the code a run and add your own tweaks, this should give you an idea of how to write your own libraries in the CMSSW compiling environment.

More details about the BuildFile.xml.

As we have previously states, the BuildFile.xml is designed to reduce the verbosity of writing MakeFile like compiling control flows. This simplification is based on the fact that code structure of the CMSSW compiling environment is very strict. With all the BuildFile.xml required to be located under a CMSSW_X_X_X/src/Package/Subpackage/<dir> path, where <dir> could only be named as a directory that the compile environment recognizes. What <dir> could be will be picked up as we go along.

Official packages that you can add to use

When you first initiate your CMSSW environment, the src directory might look empty. The whole arsenal of packages and sub-packages in the official CMSSW repository would be pre-compiled and at your disposal. Which is a good thing, because the whole CMSSW code would take approximately 20 hours to compile at the very least. For example, your package could have C++ code that reads:

// In a c++ file
#include "DataFormats/FWLite/interace/Event.hpp"

together with the BuildFile.xml with contents

<!--- In a BuildFile.xml  --->
<use name="DataFormats/FWLite" />

would be totally legal. For a list of all the packages you could use, see the official GitHub page. Some of these official CMSSW packages are highly specialized packages for specific use cases within the operator of CMS operation, data collecting and processing, while other packages are core framework packages that will be used by nearly everyone who needs information from the data collected at CMS. The core packages will be what we mainly focus on for these tutorials.

External libraries to be added to use.

What about packages outside CMSSW? Unfortunately, there is no easy way of including them. But there are special libraries that are commonly used in the field of experimental high energy physics that could be used without hassle. These libraries include:

Defining additional compile flags

If you wish to define additional compilation flags for specific optimization, debugging, declaring MACROS, and others, then you could do so for individual BuildFile.xml with lines such as

<flag CXXFLAGS="-O1 -g" /> <flag CPPDEFINE="DEBUG=1" />

Additional documentations and closing words

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the structures and options allowed in CMSSW, for the official documentation, see here. We will be picking the ones we need up as we go along, but hopefully, with this knowledge it will become easier for you to organize the code in your analysis into a more organized structure.