Experiences with Inheritance


I have recently tried to practice designing more general purpose classes for my analysis. Conceptualizing the concept object itself is difficult enough: one needs to avoid both being specific and too general, but over these days of experience with C++‘s more obscure syntax and quirks, I really began to see why some might not consider C++ a complete object-oriented programming language.

The Diamond Problem

One handy way of avoiding repeated code is by class inheritance, so when you want to merge the functionality of two classes B and C, one might build an inherited class D that inherits both B and C:

Simple multiple inheritance [cpp]
class B {};
class C {};
class D : public B, public C{};

But now a problem arises if B and C has a common ancestor, say class A:

Diamon multiple inheritance [cpp]
class A { public: int x;};

class B : public A{};
class C : public A{};
class D : public B, public C{};

Because when we create an instance of object D, we create an instance of object B and C, which respectively creates and instance of object A. So when we write: C.x, are we referring to the instance C::A::D.x or C::B::D.x? Such is known as the diamond problem, or the deadly diamond of death

Dependency diagram of diamond problem - By RokerHRO

Each program has their own approach to solving this problem. In C++, we require that at least one of the intermediate classes to be “virtually inherited”, so that extended classes D will only create one instance on grandparent class A:

Virtual inheritance [cpp]
class A { public: int x;};

class B : virtual public A{};
class C : virtual public A{};
class D : public B, public C{};

In the cases that simple inheritance and virtual inheritance at mixed and matched, the non-virtually inherited instances create independent instances of base class A, and explicit paths are used expressed access:

Example of multiple inheritance [cpp]
class A { public: int x;};

class B : virtual public A{ public: int b; };
class C : virtual public A{ public: int c; };
class E : public A{ public: int e ; };
class D : public B, public C, public E{};

D d;

d.x = d.b = d.c = d.e; // All Legal variables
d::B.x; // Equivalent to d.x
d::A.x; // Equivalent to d.x
d::E.x; // An Independent variable to the one above!

While this does give most of the flexibility to the user as to what variables are used in an extended inheritance class, this still poses some issues: Since a virtual instance of grandparent class exists, the grandchild class has to explicitly call grandparent constructor for initialization (unless an argument-less constructor exists). While it seems like a minor feature, it still means that abstraction in not as “opaque” as it should be. For instance, Python tackles this problem by guessing the meaning of d.x by the inheritance order during the declaration class D(B,C,E):, with the rule of thumb being “First found in DSF searching” and allowing syntax for hierarchy shifting, which makes class design much more intuitive.

The missing vtable error message

One of the most infuriating compile error messages in g++4.9.3 is:

In function <class>::<constructor>
undefined reference to vtable for <class>

As it is annoying uninformative as to what is missing. A simplified view of the vtable (or virtual table) is a table of virtual methods that the compiler generates for a class, which is then linked for each class in an inheritance hierarchy. Missing vtable may be caused by the following issues:

  • The file containing the vtable was not included for linking.
  • The vtable was not generated. For a vtable to be generated, the all instances of reimplemented virtual functions to exists.

Most of the time, when a method is missing, the following error message is much more informative:

Error: undefined reference to <class>::<method>(<arguments>)

But in the case of methods related to the vtable generation, the error messages for missing methods is all compacted into a missing vtable and send to look for bugs in the constructor. Not only are you not-told where you bug might be, but it actively tells you to look for somewhere where the bug isn’t.

I know that the error messages have been greatly improved in g++6.1. But working in a collaboration, I don’t have the luxury to choose which compiler version I get to use. This is a memo to help me remember what this error message means and how to avoid it in the future.